Are knee pain in their 40s and cartilage damage in their knees necessarily the cause?

# Is knee cartilage injury always caused by knee pain in people in their 40s and knee cartilage damage?As life expectancy increases and the elderly population increases, interest in degenerative arthritis naturally increases. Degenerative arthritis occurs most frequently in the knee, causing inflammation of the joints and slowly damaging the cartilage of the knee. Degenerative arthritis does not necessarily occur only in older people. Then, let’s find out with Yoon Jeong-yeon, director of Yonsei Hana Hospital, whether degenerative arthritis is the cause of knee pain in people in their 40s or other causes. Is degenerative arthritis early?

I have a slightly different opinion about degenerative arthritis and its onset is getting faster. As for the reason why arthritis occurs earlier, I would like to answer that it is because the time to detect it is earlier. MRI was not universal in the past. Recently, however, there are many hospitals around, and it is time to check if you have arthritis even if you only take X-Ray pictures. In the past, I didn’t go to the hospital often because it was a virtue to live patiently, but nowadays people go to the hospital to see a doctor even if they feel a little pain, so they are quick to discover. There are times when people wonder if these changes in society are lowering the age group for degenerative arthritis. What is the cause of knee pain in women in their 40s?

People in their early 40s and late 40s are slightly different. If arthritis develops in the early 40s in Korea, it is difficult to see it big without injury due to trauma before. However, people in their late 40s have been using their knees for about 10 years, so those who often exercise too much or squat down can actually be exposed to arthritis.

However, the cause of knee pain most people in their 40s are pain caused by other diseases rather than arthritis. The pain can be caused by cartilage softening caused by problems with the patella, or by synovitis called Fatpad syndrome, or synovitis, or by lateral ligaments, medial and lateral ligaments, or bruising the bone itself. How should I treat it?

However, the cause of knee pain most people in their 40s are pain caused by other diseases rather than arthritis. The pain can be caused by cartilage softening caused by problems with the patella, or by synovitis called Fatpad syndrome, or synovitis, or by lateral ligaments, medial and lateral ligaments, or bruising the bone itself. How should I treat it?

If you don’t need knee stem cell therapy or something to regenerate, I’d like to say that the most important thing is not to rush. Doctors are also in a hurry when they think that they will get better soon if they go to the hospital. In order to satisfy these feelings, doctors are also forced to take aggressive treatments such as using large amounts of steroids. So if you come first, I will prescribe medicine first. If the pain persists even after recommending taking the medicine first, or the cartilage damage to the knee becomes severe after a detailed examination, I will take the appropriate treatment step by step.

If you don’t need knee stem cell therapy or something to regenerate, I’d like to say that the most important thing is not to rush. Doctors are also in a hurry when they think that they will get better soon if they go to the hospital. In order to satisfy these feelings, doctors are also forced to take aggressive treatments such as using large amounts of steroids. So if you come first, I will prescribe medicine first. If the pain persists even after recommending taking the medicine first, or the cartilage damage to the knee becomes severe after a detailed examination, I will take the appropriate treatment step by step.

If you don’t need knee stem cell therapy or something to regenerate, I’d like to say that the most important thing is not to rush. Doctors are also in a hurry when they think that they will get better soon if they go to the hospital. In order to satisfy these feelings, doctors are also forced to take aggressive treatments such as using large amounts of steroids. So if you come first, I will prescribe medicine first. If the pain persists even after recommending taking the medicine first, or the cartilage damage to the knee becomes severe after a detailed examination, I will take the appropriate treatment step by step.

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Yonsei Hana Hospital, 709 Gimpo-daero, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-doYonsei Hana Hospital, 709 Gimpo-daero, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-doロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.
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